Utility model in Poland

As you probably know not every country in the world decided to grant exclusive rights in respect of utility models. Poland did. Natural parsons and legal entities alike can apply for so called right of protection and enjoy exclusivity up to 10 years. It confers the exclusive right to exploit the model for profit or for professional purposes all over Polish territory. Right of protection is not to be mistaken with local or European patents, they are quite similar though. Nowadays the number of rights granted for utility model is near 70 thousand, what proves the popularity among local and international entrepreneurs and inventors. Responsible authority is Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.

Przykład wzoru użytkowego

Utility model examination is not so strict compared with inventions and patent proceedings. Due to Polish law any new and useful solution of a technical nature affecting shape, construction or durable assembly of an object can be registered as a utility model. A model shall be considered useful if only thanks to it a practical effect is achieved during manufacturing or exploitation of a product. It is considered to be new if it does not form part of prior art.

Przykład wzoru użytkowego

I am sworn attorney at law as well as trademark and patent attorney here in Poland. If you need any help with utility model registration, please feel free to contact me. More information you can find here (website is in Polish).